First Blog Post

This is my very first blog post. I’m so excited to finally be doing this. Well I should probably say why I started this blog. It’s pretty simple really…

My Dreams 

I have always been told to follow my dreams no matter where they lead me, good or bad, and that is what I am doing. I have always wanted to be a writer/author and I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen.

My Mom

My Mom is one of my biggest supporters and after a lot of sweet-talk, she finally convinced me to share my writing with people other than my family and friends. She has encouraged me to continue writing through my times of self-doubt (and there have been many) as well as always been honest with me when it came to criticizing my writing pieces. She is honestly my best friend and I love her so much.


It might seem impossible, but my faith has had a major impact on my writing over the years. I had to have faith in my readers (in this case my family and friends) and myself, not only that they would help me but that I would help myself. I had to have faith that I could write whatever I wanted.


Belief is key! I had to believe in myself and my ability to write as I do now. I had to believe that my capabilities were beyond my imagination and that there was no limit to my creativity and inspiration. Belief is vital in achieving your dreams.


Courage? Why courage? Well, before i could share my work with other people, I had to build up the courage to share my work with people close to me. Along with the bravery to take a risk, I accepted my Mom’s help to start this blog.

Love and Escape 

My love for words manifested into me using writing as an escape from the outside world. Not only does writing take my mind off of everything else but it also reminds me that I’m not alone in this huge world.

In the words of a remarkable character;

“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic” ~Albus Dumbledore

I hope you enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy doing it.

Thank you!



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